Blog Entry: September 16th, 2024
Look, it's not really fall here yet but the piece represent my mood, okay. It's for the vibe. It's still shorts and t-shirt weather mostly, just gotta wear a jacket in the morning. I am not of fan of hot weather and I live in a hot environment, which is ironic. With the coming fall, there'll be rain which I love. My bedroom window is usually facing away from the direction the wind blows so I like to open it and listen to the sounds of rain while I work.
Things seem quite stagnant with me. My knee is slowly getting better and it's so slow it almost seems invisble to me. I think I've been gaining weight because I can't keep up with my usual level of exercise and that is not helping with my depressive spiral. Exercise is stress relief for me. I love the feeling of movement and now that I can not do anything like biking, running or skating, I feel depressed. I'm trying hard to not let it affect me and I don't think most people in my real life recognize this, but I'm definitely getting into one of my depressive slumps. I'm struggling with creating and writing, even though I signed up for a few fanfiction exchanges. They're due in a few days and hah, I feel so overwhelmed.
School has also picked up the pace and it's now becoming pretty much the only thing I have going on nowadays. Monday through Thursday, I have class at 7:30 am so I drive out at 6:45 and then I'm usually on campus until six pm. Two days of the week, I leave from campus to choir practice for my church so I don't get home until 9:20 pm usually. Of course, I've still got homework to do once I get home :(. Also I schedule a lap swim reservation today at the university pool and they didn't show up? Very strange, as they've always been open at that time so far.
I guess that's all I have to say. I do need to call my new insurance soon to get an appointment with them and I'm not sure if I should go to that paid PT dude I went to last time. He is good at his job but it seems redundant now that I'm with Kaiser. Oh well, I should stop rambling at this point.
Art pictured above is no. 313 by Louis K. Harlowe taken from the Boston Public Library.