little life updates
nov 29 2024: uploaded more fics, working on posting more of my writing + blog post
sept 6 2024: messing around with the site
aug 26 2024: uni started again:/
aug 5 2024: grade 3 mcl tear :(
recent site changes
on dec 7, deleted cookbook tab
Part of the Fanfiction Webring, which you can visit on the sidebar on the fanfiction page :)
Drink More Tea

Hello, welcome to my site where I attempt to slow down and document the things I love. The title name refers to my love of tea and how tea brings people together and reminds us to enjoy the simpler things in life. So pour yourself a cup of tea and savor every sip.
My blog is mostly for me, to document my own life and reflect on what's happened. The fanfiction tab is a secondary archive for my works as well as some rec lists. You can find my most recent works at ao3 under Kalinjdra. Cookbook tab is saved recipes from books I have borrowed from the library. Tea is for well, tea and tea reviews. Books is about books I want to read and book reviews. I'm a huge fan of exercise and I record my swim workouts, runs, pilates and other developing exercise hobbies. Other is other miscellaneous and how to contact me.
Most Recent Posts
A depressing little blog post