little life updates
nov 29 2024: uploaded more fics, working on posting more of my writing + blog post
sept 6 2024: messing around with the site
aug 26 2024: uni started again:/
aug 5 2024: grade 3 mcl tear :(
recent site changes
on dec 7, deleted cookbook tab
Part of the Fanfiction Webring, which you can visit on the sidebar on the fanfiction page :)
Drink More Tea
Hello, welcome to my site where I attempt to slow down and document the things I love. The title name refers to my love of tea and how tea brings people together and reminds us to enjoy the simpler things in life. So pour yourself a cup of tea and savor every sip.
My blog is mostly for me, to document my own life and reflect on what's happened. The fanfiction tab is a secondary archive for my works as well as some rec lists. You can find my most recent works at ao3 under Kalinjdra. Cookbook tab is saved recipes from books I have borrowed from the library. Tea is for well, tea and tea reviews. Books is about books I want to read and book reviews. I'm a huge fan of exercise and I record my swim workouts, runs, pilates and other developing exercise hobbies. Other is other miscellaneous and how to contact me.
Most Recent Post
A rambling post about my mental health and other trivial matters.
August 5th, 2024
A blog about my knee injury and the absolutely horrible doctors I met.
August 7th, 2024
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Cassandra Cain/Tam Fox
Words: 3,686
One of Tam's most prized possessions is a book on the language of flowers, that her father had gifted her in the third grade.
The page for belladonna is wrinkled thin from how many times its been flipped open to, rhodohedron has had it's dog-eared corner torn off and and coriander sticks out from where it had been slightly torn off out of the binding. Boneset has long since fallen out and remains taped to the inside of the binding.
These are the flowers of pain and grief.